The Reaching your Peak challenge gave us a sneak preview of how spirit and encouragement have the power to give us that extra va va voom. In this challenge we dig deeper into the never give up spirit that comes from determination, consistency and teamwork at its best.

Inspired by the never give up spirit of The washington Nationals baseball team who made an amazing turn from underdog to winning the 2019 World Series by hard work, grit & determination, we will bunny hop burpee around the different base camps of the world.

As base camps, we have chose a number of lakes around the world. We’ll start with Lake Superior (US/Canada) before heading to Loch Ness & Loch Lomond (Scotland), Lake Victoria (Uganda/Kenya/Tanzania/Burundi/Rwanda), then on to Lake Geneva, (Switzerland/France) & Lake Constance (Italy) to finish our challenge in Japan with Lake  Biwa & Lake Hamana.

Hopping for a cause

As for the Reach your Peak Challenge, as a team we will be raising awareness about diversity & inclusion around for 4 causes that matter to us:

#strongertogether #saynotoracism #blacklivesmatter #eachforequal

All participating teams have the choice to select at least one of these for the duration of the challenge, as well as one of their personal choice.

Here’s the Plan

Each member of the team has to complete the amount of bunny hops representing the length of the shore distance of each lake. The challenge will take 15 days (3 days per lake combination). The team with the most points at the end of the challenge wins the prize! 

This time it’s not all about speed!! To promote the objective of teamwork and creativity, we have introduced some bonus points. 

Lakes (Shore length) with days to complete:

  • Day 1-3: Lake Superior (US/Canada) – 4,385km: 44 hops 
  • Day 4-6: Loch Ness & Loch Lomond (Scotland) – 86Km and 153.3km (239km total): 24 hops 
  • Day 7-9: Lake Victoria (Uganda/Kenya/Tanzania/Burundi/Rwanda) – 7,142 km: 71 hops
  • Day 10-12: Lake Geneva (Switzerland/France) & Lake Constance (Italy) – 200.2Km and 273km (473Km): 47 hops
  • Day 13-15: Lake Biwa & Lake Hamana (Japan) – 235.2km & 114km (246.2KM): 25 hops

Point System:

  • Fastest team to complete each lake/combination of lakes: 30 points
  • Costume/creativity: 20 points
  • More than 10 likes on a single post: 20 points
  • Celebrity endorsement: 40 points
  • Celebrity participation: 50 points

How does it work?

  1. Pick your team – Max 3 person per team
  2. Sign up via our Instagram account @bluetigereye_wellness so we can connect with you
  3. Calendar – Starts Monday 17 Aug. to finish Tuesday 1st Sept.
  4. The exercise: 2 hops + 1 plank = 1 bunny hop. Please see the video for the example
  5. Each team member has to complete the number of hops per lake (each team member to time their hopps)
  6. 1 hop = 100km for the big lakes and 10Km for the smaller ones. 
  7. Each team member has a super card – you can ask your team mates or a friend to sub you for 3 days without losing points
  8. Posting – each team is to post on social media, which will be supported by BTEW round-up posts. Follow-up and use the @bluetigereyewellness on all posts so that we can like your post (and check you have completed your hops), and use the #bluetigereyewellness #challenge plus one of the challenge #s (#strongertogether #saynotoracism #blacklivesmatter #eachforequal) and one of your choice; Example Post – “Day 1 of 15 – for 15 days we are hopping round lakes of the world to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion @ (team member) @bluetigereye_wellness #yourcause #bluetigereyewellness #strongertogether #saynotoracism …. If you wish to support, like, follow or join us”

Become part of our challenge community

The Blue Tiger Eye Wellness Challenge Community aims to offer our trainers, clients, friends and combined networks a platform to come together, share, and dig deeper into one’s inner energy superpower powerhouse.

Stay tuned for our next challenge! Sign-up below or follow us on Instagram @bluetigereye_wellness

Join the challenge!

8 + 1 =

Challenge 1 – Reaching Your Peak

Starting 6 June 2020, we celebrate the peaks of the world & raise awareness about diversity and inclusion – leaving no peaks untouched! Pick a teammate and join us on this adventure!

Building a Community Around Challenges

To keep motivated and consistent (consistency is key!), challenges are a good way to energise these goals.

Challenge 2 – A Skip, Hop & a Jump Round the World

In this challenge we dig deeper into the never give up spirit that comes from determination, consistency and teamwork at its best.

Challenge 3 – Mission Possible: Spiderman Push-up Challenge

There are different human motivators: competition, belonging, spirit or well-being.
This is why as BlueTigerEyeWellness we have set-up a challenge community to help bring some of that va va voom energy in team work.

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