With spring around the corner, it’s not too early to think “summer vibes”. It’s time to build on your newly formed positive habits and start working towards the warmer weather and the body to match. 

Dear readers,

In January, we looked at building long-lasting changes; in February, we took a look at self-love and went up close and personal with what habits are; with 20 March being the Spring Equinox, with the sun rising earlier and settling later, it is time to build on your newly formed positive habits and start working towards the warmer weather and the body to match. 

You have 12 full weeks ahead of you – how can you make this time work for you and your goals, whether it’s that six pack you seem to have lost over the cold winter days or rocking that outfit you really like? Whatever works for you! 

Remember, more than feeling good, self-love is dynamic and “grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth”. Be gentle and patient with yourself. Working towards your goals, and the body you want, like forming new healthy and long lasting habits, is not done over the course of a day. It takes patience, intent and commitment, to yourself first and foremost. 

Regardless of your age or gender, articles, plans and routine on the topic are many; there are however some key principles to consider:

  1. Using optical illusion 

The key areas for most people is the stomach. Before going hardcore on your abs, consider some physical facts that help building a perfect body; it’s all about optics. Silhouette and building out areas such as shoulders and butt can help attain a body shape which make your stomach and other areas of the body seem flatter. Measure-up: shoulders to waist measure is crucial.

How to get started? Get that measuring tape out and take out your basic measurements; remember be kind and be honest with yourself. Next decide what your ideal looks like (well, not all of us can turn into Arnold, Idris or Elle so remember to stay realistic and go with an ideal that your initial body type and shape can build into) and set growth targets for your muscles. And be SMART about this – set small, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound targets; you may otherwise risk running yourself too hard, making you prone to injury, and give up halfway through. Stick with it; you’ve got this!

  1. Nutrition is key

When it comes to nutrition, there is a lot out there as well, and some fairly contradicting theories. Again, listen to your inner voice and get to know your body – what works for someone else might not work for you. Consistency is key; although we all fall off the wagon somedays, it’s about those healthy habits and long lasting changes, so make sure you create a plan that works for you and that you can easily integrate into your daily life/routine. 

Here are some takeaways we’ve selected for you:

  • Don’ starve yourself

Fasting is a big trend at the moment; on the other end of the spectrum, you have your 5 small meals a day. Whichever you find yourself drawn to, reducing your calorie intake may seem the simplest route. It certainly may be but in a number of cases, this has an effect for 4 weeks but you then find yourself spending 3-9 months, if not more, reversing the effect. Opt for consistency – it’s about long lasting changes, not quick fixes. A more natural route is to incorporate some muscle-building habits. Protein-rich foods such as tuna, turkey, quark, greek yoghurt, and pulses, grains and legumes if animal protein is not your thing, are great eats. Such foods help cut down cravings and lever you feeling full, thus reducing some cravings for snacks. Get to know what’s on your plate and start looking at your eating habits and where you can make small but meaningful changes. There are many apps out there to help you. 

  • Addressing body fat

For your abs to pop out, you need to reduce body fat. You will have heard that abs are mainly made in the Kitchen; FACT. Muscle building combined with clean eating, including protein (and greens – let’s not forget about these), provide an easier route to achieving the desired results. Clean eating takes on average 4-6 weeks to show results, but once you start on this path, it often becomes a natural habit thus supporting longer-lasting results (in the end why can’t you rock that summer body all year long?). This is why eating sufficient proteins, which provide a feeling of fullness, is often better than simply cutting food. Give yourself goodness rather than denying yourself; just think for a moment which is more appealing? 

Where do you start? The first step, as mentioned above, is to understand what your body needs and, key factor, digests and metabolises (or not). Typically, unprocessed foods are better than manufactured foods or ready made meals which have lots of hidden sugar and salt, which can increase the desire to snack on sweets and other undesirable foods. It also helps you, when you get started with clean eating, understand the content of your diet and how your body reacts to certain types of foods. 

  • Bloat management

That uncomfortable feeling most of us suffer from but we don’t like talking about. Many people knowingly or unknowingly attribute bloating to weight issues. Though this is typically more identifiable in women versus men, the effects are real for all. Understanding your body tolerances, digestion and changes is key in managing this state we can all happily do without. Here are some causes of bloating and aspects to think about:  

Digestion. Constipation, food allergies, and intolerances can lead to bloating. When stool becomes backed up in the large bowel, it can cause bloating and a feeling of discomfort. Excess gas may also build up behind the stool, making the bloating worse. Understanding how your body reacts to certain food types is key. 

Diet. Fizzy drinks, too much salt or sugar, and not enough fiber in the diet can all cause bloating. 

Hormonal changes. Many people experience bloating before and during their periods due to hormonal changes and water retention. 

With nutrition, the focus should be: 

  1. Do not eat until you feel full or bursting; stop when you are satisfied
  2. Stay hydrated
  3. If you have intolerances to certain food, stay away from them, avoid foods that give you gas and limit the foods which commonly result in bloating.

3. Commitment

Committing to a consistent action plan that will target key areas of weakness and which you can integrate into your life and lifestyle is the place to start. It takes time so be patient and find what works for you, plan and commit; you’ve got this!! 

Working towards a “summer body” is a great short term goal. It is challenging but achievable. The focus required to make meaningful improvements to your body requires both physical and mental input from you and regardless of the result, if you make it through a 12 week program, you will grow in both these ways. The results will likely motivate you to do more over the course of a year and a lifetime. Working with a trainer towards a goal like a “summer body” can make such a journey more manageable as you will be accountable not just to yourself, but you will also have someone checking in with you on how you’re progressing with your exercise and diet. So go ahead and give it a try with someone to guide you…and get your swimwear ready.