We help people achieve their goals through individually tailored training plans created and tracked by a qualified trainer at their preferred time anywhere in the world”.

Bespoke training for passionate people

It is difficult to get consistent training for “on the go” professionals and executives due to hectic schedules and an app alone to give guidance does not solve this – we are here to provide clients a chance to communicate with certified trainers who help with form and motivation, ensuring that clients stay committed. 

Join our Chellenge Community

The Thor Strength Power challenge awaits you - join our challenge community today!

Need some extra motivation to keep going with your training We have tips and 4 fiery challenges waiting for you.
To bring you into summer, we have decided to offer what we know is certain to help you get some extra motivation to keep up with your training. Delivered to close groups as part of our challenge community, our challenges are about teamwork, consistency and fun. These are perfect challenges to do as a group of friends to energize and build positive habits together. So Grab your friends, family members, virtual communities or those in your circles you know could use some challenging team fun and cheer, and start spring on a positive mind set.

Find out more


Our service in its current form is tailored towards amateur and experienced sports people as well as individuals who have some history with physical training. We also support groups (clubs and teams) with individualized programmes to support individual team members reach their potential. 

We deliver bespoke fitness programmes tailored to your specific goals provided by an experienced trainer who can work with all levels from fitness enthusiasts to semi-professional sports players. Your commitment will be key to achieving your goals. Your trainer will review your progress weekly, continuously tailoring your programme help you to achieve your desired goals. Get in touch for further details on our packages.

Get in touch with us and discover how you can make this work for you!

After a year of extensive training for a triathlon with a friend I had a hard time bringing myself back to a regular routine, that would not lead to a race but to a transformation of my body. I definitely wanted to look leaner and focus on gaining muscles to improve my rugby performance.

The biggest struggels were finding the right exercises to achieve this goal and staying motivated to actually follow through with the plan. 

With Blue Tiger Eye the only thing I needed to do, was deciding on my goal and let the trainer send me my weekly workouts. So, no more loosing time on finding the right exercises. That made things way easier. But what really kept me going was the conversation with my personal trainer – he would ask me when I planed on doing the workouts, how it went and monitor my progress. This was such a great motivation and exactly what I needed to get back on track with working out!

Anna, Amateur Rugby Player, Switzerland

Amateur Rugby Player, Switzerland


Passion – Efficiency – Performance

As a team, we are committed to enabling considerable improvements in life through physical wellness. We know first-hand how challenging it can be to stay consistent and motivated, when training competes with so many other life priorities and challenges. 

We are driven by passion and commitment. In our individual and collective journey, we have faced life circumstances and challenges that brought us to training and finding inner and outer strength. People on our path have been instrumental to our successes; our personal trainers have played, and still play, a key role in our lives. This shared journey, what we have learned along the way, the quality of the coaching we received, combined with our passion and shared values brought us together behind an opportunity to share this common passion for training and the opportunity for life improvement we benefited from with others.

Rebecca Ellis

Co-founder, Blue Tiger Eye Wellness & Pomona Wealth; Swiss National Rugby Player

At 40, I am at the top of my rugby game and professional career, playing nationally rugby and feeling incredible; and I have my coach to thank for seeing me there. This is why I co-founded Blue Tiger Eye Wellness; helping people find their path to their own success sooner rather than later.

Victoria Kay

Co-founder Blue Tiger Eye Wellness; Entrepreneur & Strategic Partnerships Advisor; Fitness Fanatic with an Autoimmune Condition

This journey is one of teamwork and friendship. I would not be where I am without my personal trainer and the support of my 2 co-founders. I started Blue Tiger Eye Wellness with them to allow other people who are seeking that tailored and personal approach to training to reach their goals in a way that is truly suited to them.

Newsletter 15 – Energising Yourself for the Summer

Nature: A natural stress buster. Hear the call - it's time to unleash our inner nature addicts. If you are not one of these addicts, here’s how to make healthier and happier choices.  Depending on where you live, you may feel a safari lifestyle is a far far away dream...

Newsletter 14 – Energising Yourself for the Summer

Letting go is often the hardest thing to do. It takes self reflection, internal drive and external action to produce the desired results. Letting go means actively engaging the tools to remove worry, fear and the modern pressures of society and allow them to fade into...

Newsletter 13 – Take a Breath: The Ancient Secret To Life

“For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.” Sanskrit proverb With Easter and Spring in full swing for us in the northern hemisphere, it’s time to take a deep breath to fight what we all hope are the last waves of the Coronavirus. The...

Newsletter 12 – Gratuity of Life

So, what's next? In our previous newsletter, we looked at the past to find inspiration as we went within and explored some notions of self and practical ways to increase positive thinking and outcomes for you in your everyday life. In this newsletter, we turn back to...

Newsletter 11 – Who said Self Love was easy

Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. Deepak ChopraThe waves of lockdowns are yet to recede, and the naysayers who thought Covid was a fantasy are now coming to the reality...

Challenge 4: 30-day Chocolate Bar Abs Workout

For the first challenge of 2021, we take you through a closed group challenge delivered through our app to small groups of maximum 6 people. With this 30-day Chocolate Bar Abs Workout challenge kicking-off on 18 January, we bring you a customized exercise programme to...

Newsletter 10 – What’s in Store for 2021: The Year of the OX & Connecting to Our Deeper Side

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson With restrictive...

Newsletter 9 – The Xmas Connection: Family, Friends and Fools 😉

Why not spice December up? We have tips and a fiery end of year challenge waiting for you.

Challenge 3 – Mission Possible: Spiderman Push-up Challenge

There are different human motivators: competition, belonging, spirit or well-being.
This is why as BlueTigerEyeWellness we have set-up a challenge community to help bring some of that va va voom energy in team work.

Newsletter 8 – Smells Like Team Spirit

Team spirit, this beautiful thing about sports, is not always what it’s supposed to be. It can take work, commitment, vision and a number of key ingredients.

Challenge 2 – A Skip, Hop & a Jump Round the World

In this challenge we dig deeper into the never give up spirit that comes from determination, consistency and teamwork at its best.

Building a Community Around Challenges

To keep motivated and consistent (consistency is key!), challenges are a good way to energise these goals.

Newsletter 7 – Spotlight on Energy, Tapping Into your Hidden Superpower House

Goal-setting, the typical start to a new fitness routine is barely scratching the surface of your potential long-term success and effectiveness. In this newsletter, we shine the spotlight on Energy and how to tap into your hidden superpower house.

Room 101 – Doctor’s Orders Q&A on home-based training Part 2

We held a Q&A with Dr. Noah Akala, a medical practitioner who also is a football and fitness enthusiast, to answer some common questions and clear up some misconceptions that arise when people engage in physical training from a medical perspective, as well as to look at ways in which this translates to home-based training. In this series of Q&A, we do a deep dive with Dr. Akala to clear the air and get advice on a wide variety of issues.

Newsletter 6 – Reaching Your Peak

Fitness & motivation are very similar to climbing a mountain; taking the time to consider what your goal is & why, and then planning the details. How do you ensure not getting lost en route though?

Challenge 1 – Reaching Your Peak

Starting 6 June 2020, we celebrate the peaks of the world & raise awareness about diversity and inclusion – leaving no peaks untouched! Pick a teammate and join us on this adventure!

Room 101 – Doctor’s Orders Q&A on home-based training Part 1

We held a Q&A with Dr. Noah Akala, a medical practitioner who also is a football and fitness enthusiast, to answer some common questions and clear up some misconceptions that arise when people engage in physical training from a medical perspective, as well as to look at ways in which this translates to home-based training. In this series of Q&A, we do a deep dive with Dr. Akala to clear the air and get advice on a wide variety of issues.

Newsletter 5 – Part 2: The DO’s & DONT’s of Training on your Staycation

This month, we bring you a two-part series looking at helping you make the most out of your Staycation. With spring in full swing, some of us are finding our ways back to the gym and to outdoor sporting and/or social activities, with even a glimpse of holidays abroad...

Newsletter 5 – Can’t Go on Vacation? Make the Most of your StayCation

Summer as a staycation is a new concept for most of us. It does not have to disappoint though. Improvise.Adapt.Overcome! Consider how you would relax and train on your next holiday, and bring these activities safely to your home and immediate surroundings; make this staycation one to remember!

Newsletter 4 – Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

The present health situation around the globe is unprecedented. There’s really no instruction manual on how to handle this. Let’s look at how you can make these 3 words work for you in the current state we find ourselves in.

Newsletter 3 – Summer Vibes Calling – Let’s Get Beach Ready!

With spring around the corner, it’s not too early to think “summer vibes”. It’s time to build on your newly formed positive habits and start working towards the warmer weather and the body to match.

Newsletter 2 – The Power of ME: Getting up-close and personal with what a habit really is

Getting up-close and personal with what a habit really is – It’s time to put your January energy-charged-up spirit to use and start forming positive habits.

Newsletter 1: The roaring 2020s – How to make changes for the decade ahead

Change as a concept is easy to think about. Putting it into practice however is a different ball game, particularly when this comes to fitness goals; but why?

If this is for you, fill in the contact form below with the package which you are interested in and a brief description of your interests and goals; we shall send you a membership questionnaire and further information on our membership requirements.

If you’re not ready to sign up but want to stay informed on developments & get fitness advice from us, you could sign up for our newsletter on the site; simply fill in the contact form with the mention “newsletter”.

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