Every month, we publish a special newsletter tackling all key aspects of your journey to reaching your goals. From setting you objectives, to commitment via the good, the bad and the ugly about chocolate, positive eneregy and what it takes to climb your mountain – we’ve got you covered!

Sign-up to get our special editions and Q&A with medical and sports professionals.

Newsletter 15 – Energising Yourself for the Summer

Nature: A natural stress buster. Hear the call - it's time to unleash our inner nature addicts. If you are not one of these addicts, here’s how to make healthier and happier choices.  Depending on where you live, you may feel a safari lifestyle is a far far away dream...

Newsletter 14 – Energising Yourself for the Summer

Letting go is often the hardest thing to do. It takes self reflection, internal drive and external action to produce the desired results. Letting go means actively engaging the tools to remove worry, fear and the modern pressures of society and allow them to fade into...

Newsletter 13 – Take a Breath: The Ancient Secret To Life

“For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.” Sanskrit proverb With Easter and Spring in full swing for us in the northern hemisphere, it’s time to take a deep breath to fight what we all hope are the last waves of the Coronavirus. The...

Newsletter 12 – Gratuity of Life

So, what's next? In our previous newsletter, we looked at the past to find inspiration as we went within and explored some notions of self and practical ways to increase positive thinking and outcomes for you in your everyday life. In this newsletter, we turn back to...

Newsletter 11 – Who said Self Love was easy

Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. Deepak ChopraThe waves of lockdowns are yet to recede, and the naysayers who thought Covid was a fantasy are now coming to the reality...

Newsletter 10 – What’s in Store for 2021: The Year of the OX & Connecting to Our Deeper Side

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson With restrictive...

Newsletter 9 – The Xmas Connection: Family, Friends and Fools 😉

Why not spice December up? We have tips and a fiery end of year challenge waiting for you.

Newsletter 8 – Smells Like Team Spirit

Team spirit, this beautiful thing about sports, is not always what it’s supposed to be. It can take work, commitment, vision and a number of key ingredients.

Newsletter 7 – Spotlight on Energy, Tapping Into your Hidden Superpower House

Goal-setting, the typical start to a new fitness routine is barely scratching the surface of your potential long-term success and effectiveness. In this newsletter, we shine the spotlight on Energy and how to tap into your hidden superpower house.

Room 101 – Doctor’s Orders Q&A on home-based training Part 2

We held a Q&A with Dr. Noah Akala, a medical practitioner who also is a football and fitness enthusiast, to answer some common questions and clear up some misconceptions that arise when people engage in physical training from a medical perspective, as well as to look at ways in which this translates to home-based training. In this series of Q&A, we do a deep dive with Dr. Akala to clear the air and get advice on a wide variety of issues.

Newsletter 6 – Reaching Your Peak

Fitness & motivation are very similar to climbing a mountain; taking the time to consider what your goal is & why, and then planning the details. How do you ensure not getting lost en route though?

Room 101 – Doctor’s Orders Q&A on home-based training Part 1

We held a Q&A with Dr. Noah Akala, a medical practitioner who also is a football and fitness enthusiast, to answer some common questions and clear up some misconceptions that arise when people engage in physical training from a medical perspective, as well as to look at ways in which this translates to home-based training. In this series of Q&A, we do a deep dive with Dr. Akala to clear the air and get advice on a wide variety of issues.

Newsletter 5 – Part 2: The DO’s & DONT’s of Training on your Staycation

This month, we bring you a two-part series looking at helping you make the most out of your Staycation. With spring in full swing, some of us are finding our ways back to the gym and to outdoor sporting and/or social activities, with even a glimpse of holidays abroad...

Newsletter 5 – Can’t Go on Vacation? Make the Most of your StayCation

Summer as a staycation is a new concept for most of us. It does not have to disappoint though. Improvise.Adapt.Overcome! Consider how you would relax and train on your next holiday, and bring these activities safely to your home and immediate surroundings; make this staycation one to remember!

Newsletter 4 – Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

The present health situation around the globe is unprecedented. There’s really no instruction manual on how to handle this. Let’s look at how you can make these 3 words work for you in the current state we find ourselves in.

Newsletter 3 – Summer Vibes Calling – Let’s Get Beach Ready!

With spring around the corner, it’s not too early to think “summer vibes”. It’s time to build on your newly formed positive habits and start working towards the warmer weather and the body to match.

Newsletter 2 – The Power of ME: Getting up-close and personal with what a habit really is

Getting up-close and personal with what a habit really is – It’s time to put your January energy-charged-up spirit to use and start forming positive habits.

Newsletter 1: The roaring 2020s – How to make changes for the decade ahead

Change as a concept is easy to think about. Putting it into practice however is a different ball game, particularly when this comes to fitness goals; but why?